Autumn Tips

Autumn is a great time for dog walking: lovey colours, crisp air and dramatic sunsets. However, there are still a few basic things to watch out for as your podengos enjoy late summer / early winter walkies: 

Acorns and conkers: these both contain toxins that can make your dog sick and give them an upset stomach. If eaten in large amounts or too regularly, they can lead to more serious digestive problems so discourage the pods from trying to eat them. 

Fallen fruit: watch out for fallen fruits because - like acorns and conkers - some seeds, stones and pips contain harmful toxins that could make your dog ill. 

Poisonous plants: known plants that are poisonous to dogs include: ficus, cyclamen, philodendron, aloe, narcissus, hyacinth, iris, azalea, rhododendron, oleander and sweet peas. Bear in mind as we go into Xmas that holly and mistletoe are also poisonous to dogs. 

Wild mushrooms and toadstools: unless you’re an expert, it’s hard to distinguish between harmful and harmless fungi so, again, it’s best to discourage the dogs from licking / chewing on these. 

Ticks and fleas: whilst they’re a year-round threat, ticks are more common during spring and autumn. As ever, regularly check your pods for any strange bumps that might be a tick – particularly around their head, paws and armpits. 

Alabama rot:  or, to give it its full name, CRGV: cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy. This is fortunately very rare but it usually manifests itself with sores and ulcers on the lower leg ; it goes on to cause kidney failure and is often fatal. Kidney problems can show through vomiting, tiredness and hunger. The cause is unknown but it appears to be linked to walking in muddy areas.  Keeping podengos out of mud is pretty much impossible so the best precaution is to wash / clean their legs if they do get muddy whilst out. If in any doubt, contact your vet as soon as possible.

Stay visible: as it gets darker, it can be more difficult to track your pod if they’re off-lead so do be careful if walking around dusk.  

Weight watching: if your pod isn’t a keen walker when the weather starts to get colder and wetter, be careful about their weight if they’re exercising less. Try to compensate with more indoor games and if this isn’t possible, adjust their food intake to maintain a healthy weight. Conversely, if they do continue to exercise well in the cold, they may burn more calories so – as ever – keep an eye on their weight and shape and adjust their food intake accordingly.

Autumn is also a time when many people like to hold firework displays. This infographic from The Dogs Trust is one of many they produce. Visit their website or subscribe to their Instagram feed for lots more handy tips.

Also be wary of spent fireworks as these contain chemicals that are harmful to dogs. It's worth checking the garden before the pods use it if your neighbours have been letting off fireworks. Keep a careful look-out for them if you walk in an area used for a fireworks display.