The Association exists for anyone who is interested in the Portuguese Podengo, whether you're a pet owner or you are (or want) to get into showing, luring, agility or anything else.
New members automatically receive:
- a Welcome Pack;
- a welcome gift;
- our newsletter, "The Podcast" * which is published twice per year with items about podengos, news and competitions;
- reduced fees at our annual show;
- news about various other events we organise from time to time.
Annual membership fees (due 1 January each year) are:
- UK Junior: £2
- UK Single: £8
- UK Joint: £10
- UK Family: £12
- Overseas single: £10
- Overseas joint: £12
There are a few ways to pay:
- For new subscriptions, download the form below and send it to the address at the top along with your payment.
- For renewed subscriptions, simply send your payment to the address at the top of the form.
- Alternatively, you can set up a standing order with your bank - contact the Treasurer for details.
- You can pay via PayPal using the buttons below but note we have to add £1 to the subscription to cover PayPal transaction costs.
- Please email the Treasurer / Membership Secretary if you have any queries about membership or payment.
* If you have anything you'd like to contribute to The Podcast, be it photos or maybe some news or a story about one of your podengos, contact us via and we'll put it forward for inclusion in the next issue.